
Hi! I am a recent computer science graduate from Western Governors University with a passion for all things technical and mechanical! From a young age, I was keen on taking everything apart to see their inner workings and putting them back together.

My inclination led me to the tech repair industry where there was no shortage of things to tear apart. Now, I am exploring new avenues to continue learning and growing, specifically in software development.

When I'm not in front of a computer, I'm probably climbing, playing with a camera, or 3D printing something..


  • Image Classifier


    A PyTorch web app that identifies images. The images are classified into different categories of an image dataset. For this implementation, the EfficientNet convolutional neural network is trained on the CIFAR-10 dataset. Metrics are generated to evaluate accuracy.

  • Scheduling App




    A JavaFX application that manages appointments, customers, and generates reports. The data is pulled from a MySQL database using the Java Database Connectivity API. Dates and times are adjusted based on the location of the user.

  • Postal Routing App


    A program that simulates efficient and on time delivery of mail packages using an algorithm. Tracking information for trucks and packages can be displayed at any point in time. A custom hash table is implemented as an exercise to explore data structures.

  • Asteroids Game



    An exercise to recreate the classic Asteroids game using JavaFX.

  • Career Chatbot


    An AIML chatbot that asks questions and identifies patterns in responses to recommend a suitable career. Currently, it recommends careers for computer science graduands.

  • Inventory App



    A JavaFX application that manages an inventory of products and parts. Items can be added, removed, modified, or associated with others using the user interface.

  • Class Roster App


    A program that maintains a roster of students. The app parses a table of student information, checks for invalid data, and populates the roster. Commands are used to manipulate and display student data.

  • Movie Analysis


    An exercise using pgAdmin to analyze and summarize movie information in a PostgreSQL database. Functions, procedures, and triggers are used to continuously update the summary information with the database.


Whether you want to discuss my projects or just get in touch, feel free to send me an email!